Monthly Archives: April 2010

Gone Slumming

Hmm, after much effort including bottling, baby tending and wort dwarf park time, I’m staring at a box of empties.


This needs to be remedied soon.

The one obstacle to a full carboy has been my pure laziness. The other, well, not sure there is another, though more equipment would make it easier. So, I’m off to pick up the next batch today and I think I’ll try the cheapest kit out there that comes in a can. $20 and some yeast and that’s it. Given this cream ale was probably at the top end of the price scale I’ve decided to go slumming for comparison.

A few thoughts on the Spagnols Brew house mix here might help any country club posers considering this brew. Fiona’s and my thoughts were similar in that we were expecting beer nirvana at the first glass.  I had Kirsten and my neighbor Chris try it also for third & fourth opinions and I may have more feedback from Fiona’s friend who got a six pack. Fiona and I enjoyed it though we missed the nirvana bus.   Kirsten liked it but was ambivalent in any raves and Chris liked it too. Chris, who fancies the micro brew like myself and Fiona, thought it was better than the local Amber’s Ales pale ale here in Edmonton, which I’ve tried as well. It was a cream ale so I was expecting a fuller body, but didn’t get as much as I wanted. It also had a slight mineral taste to it. That could have been our fault for not rinsing enough after the sanitizer. I didn’t get specifics from Chris or Kirsten in what they liked but I think the hop balance was perfect.

So, for comparison, I’ve taken the low road and dragged Fiona with me. I think its good to experience life at both ends of the beer universe- no?